Tjeerd V. olde Scheper, Rhiannon M. Meredith, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Jaap van Pelt, Arjen van Ooyen (2018). Dynamic Hebbian Cross-Correlation Learning Resolves the Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity Conundrum. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 11:119. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2017.00119.
Oscar Javier Avella Gonzalez, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Jaap van Pelt, Arjen van Ooyen (2015).
H-channels affect frequency, power and amplitude fluctuations of neuronal network oscillations.
Front. Comput.Neurosci. 9:141. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00141.
[Supplementary Material]
Jaap van Pelt, Arjen van Ooyen and Harry BM Uylings (2014).
Axonal and dendritic density field estimation from incomplete single-slice neuronal reconstructions.
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 8(54):1-16. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2014.00054.
[Supplementary Material]
Oscar J. Avella Gonzalez, Karlijn I. van Aerde, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Jaap van Pelt, and Arjen van Ooyen (2014).
Inter-network interactions: impact of connections between oscillatory neuronal networks on oscillation frequency and pattern. PLoS ONE 9(7): e100899. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100899.
Hjorth JJJ, van Pelt J, Mansvelder HD, van Ooyen A (2014). Competitive Dynamics during Resource-Driven Neurite Outgrowth. PLoS ONE 9(2): e86741.
Michael P. McAssey, Fetsje Bijma, Bernadetta Tarigan, Jaap van Pelt, Arjen van Ooyen, Mathisca de Gunst (2014). A morpho-density approach to estimating neural connectivity. PLoS ONE 9(1):
e86526. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086526.
Arjen van Ooyen, Andrew Carnell, Sander de Ridder, Bernadette Tarigan, Huibert Mansvelder, Fetsje Bijma, Mathisca de Gunst, Jaap van Pelt (2014). Independently outgrowing neurons and geometry-based synapse formation produce
networks with realistic synaptic connectivity. PLoS ONE 9(1): e85858. doi:10.1371.
Jaap van Pelt, Harry BM Uylings and Arjen van Ooyen (2013).
Neuronal arborizations, spatial innervation and emergent network connectivity.
In: The Computing Dendrite, Hermann Cuntz, Michiel M.H. Remme and Benjamin Torben-Nielsen (Eds.), Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience Volume 11, 2014, pp 61-78.
(Book chapter)
[Springer Link]
Jaap van Pelt, Arjen van Ooyen (2013). Estimating neuronal connectivity from axonal and dendritic density fields. Front.Comput.Neurosci. 7:160. doi:10.3389/
Oscar J. Avella Gonzalez, Karlijn I. van Aerde, Ronald A. J. van Elburg, Simon-Shlomo Poil, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen, Jaap van Pelt, and Arjen van Ooyen (2012).
External drive to inhibitory cells induces alternating episodes of high- and low-amplitude oscillations. PLoS Comput Biol 8(8): e1002666. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002666.
Jaap van Pelt & Harry B.M. Uylings (2012). The flatness of bifurcations in 3D dendritic trees: an optimal design. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 5:54. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2011.00054.
[ Supplementary Material]
Linda van der Heiden, Ildikó Vajda, Jaap van Pelt and Arjen van Ooyen. (2011). Stimulation induced transitions in spontaneous firing rates in cultured neuronal networks also occur in the presence of synaptic plasticity blocker KN93. In: Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II) - Proceedings ICCN2009. R. Wang, F. Gu (Eds.), Springer, pp. 151-155.
Jaap van Pelt, Andrew Carnell, Sander de Ridder, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Arjen van Ooyen (2010). An algorithm for finding candidate synaptic sites in computer generated networks of neurons with realistic morphologies.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, doi:10.3389/fncom.2010.00148.
Randal A. Koene, Betty Tijms, Peter van Hees, Frank Postma, Sander de Ridder, Ger Ramakers, Jaap van Pelt, Arjen van Ooyen. (2009). NETMORPH: A framework for the stochastic generation of large scale neuronal networks with realistic neuron morphologies.
Neuroinformatics 7 (2009) 195-210.
Joost le Feber, Jaap van Pelt, and Wim L.C. Rutten (2009). Latency related
development of functional connections in cultured cortical networks.
Biophysical Journal 96 (2009) 3443-3450.
Michael A. Corner, Robert E. Baker, Jaap van Pelt (2008). Physiological consequences of selective suppression of synaptic transmission in developing cerebral cortical networks in vitro: Differential effects on intrinsically generated bioelectric discharges in a living model system for slow-wave sleep activity. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 32 (2008) 1569-1600.
Van Pelt, J., Vajda, I., Wolters, P.S., Ramakers, G. and Van Ooyen, A. (2008). Effect of low-frequency stimulation on spontaneous firing in cultured neuronal networks. In: Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics - Proceedings ICCN2007. Rubin Wang, Fanji Gu, Enhua Shen (Eds.), Springer, pp. 53-57.
Ildikó Vajda, Jaap van Pelt, Pieter Wolters, Michela Chiappalone, Sergio Martinoia, Eus van Someren, Arjen van Ooyen (2008). Low-frequency stimulation induces stable transitions in stereotypical activity in cortical networks. Biophys. J. 94 (2008) 5028-5039.
J. le Feber, W.L.C. Rutten, J. Stegenga, P.S. Wolters, G.J.A. Ramakers and J. van Pelt (2007). Conditional firing probabilities in cultured neuronal networks: a stable
underlying structure in widely varying spontaneous activity patterns. J. Neural Eng. 4 (2007) 54-67.
Jaap van Pelt, Harry B.M. Uylings. Modeling neuronal growth and shape. In Modeling Biology -
Structures, Behaviors, Evolution; Manfred D. Laubichler and Gerd B. Müller (eds). The MIT Press, 2007, Cambridge, pp. 195-215.
Fabio Rigat, Mathisca de Gunst, Jaap van Pelt. Bayesian modelling and analysis of spatio-temporal neuronal networks. Bayesian Analysis 1 (2006) 733-764.
Robert E. Baker, Michael A. Corner, Jaap van Pelt. Spontaneous neuronal discharge patterns in developing organotypic mega-co-cultures of neonatal rat cerebral cortex. Brain Res 1101 (2006) 29-35.
Michael A. Corner, Robert E. Baker, Jaap van Pelt. Homeostatically regulated spontaneous neuronal discharges protect developing cerebral cortex networks from becoming hyperactive following prolonged blockade of excitatory synaptic receptors. Brain Res 1106 (2006) 40-45.
L. Berdondini, M. Chiappalone, P.D. van der Wal, K. Imfeld, N.F. de Rooij, M. Koudelka-Hep, M. Tedesco, S. Martinoia, J. van Pelt, G. Le Masson, A. Garenne. A microelectrode array (MEA) integrated with clustering structures for investigating in-vitro neurodynamics in confined interconnected sub-populations of neurons. Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical 114 (2006) 530-541.
Albertas Janulevicius, Jaap van Pelt and Arjen van Ooyen. Compartment volume influences microtubule dynamic instability: a model study. Biophysical Journal, Vol. 90 (2006) 788-798.
Van Pelt, J., Van Galen, E., Wolters, P., Ramakers, G.J.A., Vajda, I. (2006) Effects of low-frequency stimulation on spontaneous firing dynamics in dissociated cortical cultures on multi-electrode arrays. Proceedings MEA Meeting 2006, BIOPRO edition vol.3, BIOPRO Baden-Wurttemberg Gmbh, Stuttgart, 2006, Germany, pp 19-21.
Jaap van Pelt and Harry B.M. Uylings (2005) Natural variability in the geometry of dendritic branching patterns. In: Modeling in the Neurosciences: From Biological Systems to Neuromimetic Robotics, G.N. Reeke, R.R. Poznanski, K.A. Lindsay, J.R. Rosenberg, O. Sporns (Eds.), CRC Press, 2005, pp. 89-115.
Development, Dynamics and Pathology of Neuronal Networks: from Molecules to Functional Circuits, J. van Pelt, M. Kamermans, C.N. Levelt, A. van Ooyen, G.J.A. Ramakers, P.R. Roelfsema (Eds.), Progr. Brain Res. Vol. 147 (2005) Elsevier
(Book), 385 pages.
[Table of Contents]
Corner, M.A., Baker, R.E., Van Pelt, J. and Wolters, P.S. Compensatory physiological responses to chronic blockade of amino acid receptors during early development in spontaneously active organotypic cerebral cortex explants cultured in vitro. Prog. Brain Res. 147 (2005) 231-248.
Swaab, D.F., Van Pelt, J. and Hofman, M. Introduction to the sixteenth C.U. Ariëns Kappers Lecture.
Prog. Brain Res. 147 (2005) 39-41.
Van Pelt, J., Vajda, I., Wolters, P.S., Corner, M.A., Ramakers, G.J.A. Dynamics and plasticity in developing neuronal networks in vitro. Prog. Brain Res. 147 (2005) 173-188.
Chiappalone, M., Novellino, A., Vajda, I., Vato, A.,
Martinoia, S., and Van Pelt, J. Burst detection algorithms for the
analysis of spatio-temporal patterns in cortical networks of
neurons. Neurocomputing 65-66 (2005) 653-662.
Van Pelt, J., Wolters, P.S., Corner, M.A., Rutten, W.L.C.,
Ramakers, G.J.A. Long-term characterization of firing dynamics of
spontaneous bursts in cultured neural networks. IEEE-TBME 51 (2004) 2051-2062.
Barbosa, M.S., Costa, L. da F., Bernardes, E.S., Ramakers,
G., Van Pelt, J. Characterizing neuromorphologic alterations with
additive shape functionals. Eur. Phys. J. B 37 (2004) 109-115.
[Abstract: html]
Martinoia, S., Sanguineti, V., Cozzi, L., Berdondini, L.,
Van Pelt, J., Tomas, J., LeMasson, G., Davide, F. Towards an
embodied in-vitro electrophysiology: the NeuroBIT project.
Neurocomputing 58-60 (2004) 1065-1072.
Van Pelt, J. Corner, M.A., Wolters, P.S., Rutten, W.L.C.,
Ramakers, G.J.A. Longterm stability and developmental changes in
spontaneous network burst firing patterns in dissociated rat
cerebral cortex cell cultures on multi-electrode arrays. Neurosci.
Lett. 361/1-3 (2004) 86-89.
Van Pelt, Jaap, Schierwagen, Andreas. Morphological analysis and modeling of neuronal dendrites. Math. Biosc. 188 (2004) 147-155.
Heinen, K. Bosman, L.W.J., Spijker, S., Van Pelt, J., Smit,
A.B., Voorn, P., Baker, R.E., and Brussaard, A.B. GABA-A receptor maturation in relation to eye opening in the rat visual cortex. Neuroscience 124 (2004) 161-171.
Heinen, K., Baker, R.E., Spijker, S., Rosahl, T., Van Pelt,
J., Brussaard, A.B. Impaired dendritic spine maturation in GABA-A
receptor alpha-1 subunit knock out mice. Neuroscience 122 (2003) 699-705.
Eckersley, P., Egan, G.F., Amari S-I., Beltrame, F., Bennett, R., Bjaalie, J.G., Dalkara, T., De Schutter, E., Gonzalez, C., Grillner, S., Herz, A., Hoffman, K.P., Jaaskelainen, I.P., Koslow, S.H., Lee, S-Y., Matthiessen, L., Miller, P.L., Da Silva, F.M., Novak, M., Ravindranath, V., Ritz, R., Ruotsalainen, U., Subramaniam, S., Toga, A.W., Usui, S., Van Pelt, J., Verschure, P., Willshaw, D., Wrobel, A., and Yiyuan, T. (2003) Neuroscience data and tool sharing - A legal and policy framework for neuroinformatics. Neuroinformatics Journal 1: 149-166.
Van Pelt, J., Uylings, H.B.M. (2003) Growth functions in dendritic outgrowth. Brain and Mind 4: 51-65.
Van Ooyen, A., J. van Pelt, M.A. Corner and S.B. Kater. (2003)
Activity-dependent neurite outgrowth: implications for network
development and neuronal morphology. In: Modeling Neural Development,
A. van Ooyen (Ed.), The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusets, 2003, pp. 111-132.
(Book chapter)
Van Pelt, J., B. Graham and H.B.M. Uylings, (2003) Formation of
dendritic branching patterns. In: Modeling Neural Development, A.
van Ooyen (Ed.), The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusets, 2003, pp. 75-94.
(Book chapter)
Granato, A., Van Pelt, J. (2003) Effects of early ethanol exposure
on dendrite growth of cortical pyramidal neurons: inferences from
a computational model. Dev Brain Res. 142 (2): 223-227.
Andreas Schierwagen and Jaap van Pelt (2002) Quantifying neuronal
morphology. A case study of the growth model approach. In:
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2002, Algorithmen, Systeme,
Anwendungen. Informatik Aktuell Springer-Verlag 2002, pp. 255-258.
(Book chapter)
Amari, S.I., Beltrame, F., Bjaalie, J.G., Dalkara, T., De Schutter,
E., Egan, G.F., Goddard, N.H., Gonzales, C., Grillner, S., Herz, A.,
Hoffman, K.-P., Jaaskelainen, I., Koslow, S.H., Lee, S.-Y.,
Matthiessen, L., Miller, P.L., Da Silva, F.M., Novak, M.,
Ravindranath, V., Ritz, R., Ruotsalainen, V., Sebestra, V.,
Subramaniam, S., Toga, A.W., Usui, S., Van Pelt, J., Verschure, P.,
Willshaw, D., Wrobel, A., Yiyuan, T. (2002)
Neuroinformatics: the integration of shared databases and tools
towards integrative neuroscience.
J. Integrative Neuroscience 1: 117-128.
Streekstra, G.J. and J. van Pelt. (2002) Analysis of tubular structures in
three-dimensional confocal images.
Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 13: 381-395.
Van Pelt, J. and H.B.M. Uylings. (2002)
Branching rates and growth functions in the outgrowth of dendritic
branching patterns.
Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 13: 261-281.
Da Fontoura Costa, L. E.T.M. Manoel, F. Faucereau, J. Chelly, J. van
Pelt and G.J.A. Ramakers. (2002) A shape analysis framework for
Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 13: 283-310.
Van Ooyen, A., Duijnhouwer, J., Remme, M.W.H. and J. van Pelt. (2002)
The effect of dendritic topology on firing patterns in model neurons.
Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 13: 311-325.
Uylings, H.B.M. and J. van Pelt. (2002)
Measures for quantifying dendritic arborizations.
Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 13: 397-414.
Van Pelt, J. (2002) Quantitative Neuroanatomy and Neuroinformatics. Editorial
Special Issue Quantitative Neuroanatomy Tools.
Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 13: 243-245.
Van Ooyen, A. and J. van Pelt. (2002) Competition in neuronal
morphogenesis and the development of nerve connections. In:
Computational Neuroanatomy: Principles and Methods, G. Ascoli (Ed.),
The Humana Press Inc, Totowa, NJ, pp. 219-244.
(Book chapter)
Corner, MA, Van Pelt J, Wolters PS, Baker RE, Nuytinck R (2002)
Physiological effects of sustained blockade of excitatory synaptic
transmission on spontaneously active developing neuronal networks - an
inquiry into the reciprocal linkage between intrinsic biorhythms and
neuroplasticity in early ontogeny. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 26: 127-185.
Van Pelt, J., Wolters, P.S., Rutten, W.L.C., Corner, M.A., Van Hulten,
P. and Ramakers, G.J.A. (2001). Spatio-temporal firing in growing
networks cuultured on multi-electrode arrays. In: Proc. World Congress
on Neuroinformatics, F. Rattay (Ed.) Argesim/Asim Verlag, Vienna, 2001,
pp 462-467.
Van Pelt, J., Van Ooyen, A. and Uylings, H.B.M. (2001)
The need for integrating neuronal morphology databases and computational
environments in exploring neuronal structure and function.
Anat Embryol 204: 255-265.
Van Pelt, J., A. Schierwagen and H.B.M. Uylings. (2001) Modeling dendritic
morphological complexity of deep layer cat superior colliculus
neurons. Neurocomputing 38-40: 403-408.
Duijnhouwer, J., M. Remme, A. van Ooyen and J. van Pelt (2001) Influence of
dendritic topology on firing patterns in model neurons.
Neurocomputing 38-40: 183-189.
Ramakers, G.J.A., Avci, B., Van Hulten, P., Van Ooyen, A., Van Pelt,
J., Pool, C. and M.B. Lequin. (2001) The role of calcium signaling in early
axonal and dendritic morphogenesis of rat cerebral cortex neurons
under non-stimulated growth conditions. Dev. Brain Res. 126:
Rutten, W.L.C., Ruardij, T.G., Van Pelt, J. (2001) Neuronal networks
on 'Cultured Probe' micro electrode arrays: network confinement and
activity patterns, Proceedings of the atlantic symposium on
computational biology and genome information systems & technology,
March 15-17 2001, Durham, North Carolina USA, pp. 101-105, ISBN
Rutten, W.L.C., Van Pelt, J. (2001) Activity patterns of cultured neural networks on micro electrode arrays. In: Proc. 23rd Annual EMBS International Conference, October 25-28, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 737-740.
Van Pelt, J., Van Ooyen, A., Uylings, H.B.M. (2001)
Modeling dendritic
geometry and the development of nerve connections. In:
Computational Neuroscience: Realistic modeling for
(E. de Schutter, Ed. and R.C. Cannon (CD-ROM)), CRC Press, Boca
Raton, pp.179-208.
(Book chapter),
Tjeerd olde Scheper, Don Klinkenberg, Cyriel Pennartz and Jaap van
Pelt (1999) A mathematical model for the intracellular circadian rhythm
generator. J. Neuroscience 19: 40-47.
Olde Scheper, T., D. Klinkenberg, J. van Pelt and C. Pennartz (1999)
A model of molecular circadian clocks: Multiple mechanisms for phase
shifting and a requirement for strong nonlinear interactions.
J. Biol. Rhythms 14: 213:220.
Van Pelt, J. and Harry B.M. Uylings (1999) Modeling the natural variability
in the shape of dendritic trees: application to basal dendrites of
small rat cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Neurocomputing 26-27: 305-311.
Van Pelt, J. and H.B.M. Uylings. (1999). Natural variability in the geometry of
dendritic branching patterns. In: Modeling in the Neurosciences: From
Ionic Channels to Neural Networks (R.R. Poznanski, Ed.),
Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam,
pp.79-108. (Book chapter)
Baker, R.E., Dijkhuizen, P.A., Van Pelt, J. and J. Verhaagen (1998) Growth of
pyramidal, but not non-pyramidal, dendrites in long-term organotypic
explants of neonatal rat neocortex chronically exposed to neurotrophin-3.
Eur. J. Neurosc. 10: 1037-1044.
Ramakers, G.J.A., Winter, J., Hoogland, T., Lequin, M.B., Van Pelt, J.
and C.W. Pool (1998) Depolarization stimulates lamellipodia formation and
axonal but not dendritic branching in cultured rat cerebral cortex
neurons. Developm. Brain Res. 108: 205-216.
Ramakers, G.J.A., F. Kloosterman, P. van Hulten, J. van Pelt and M.A.
Corner. (1998). Activity-dependent regulation of neuronal network excitability.
In: Neural Circuits and Networks, NATO ASI Series F:
Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 167 (V. Torre and J. Nicholls, Eds.)
Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 141-151. (Book chapter).
Baker, R.E. and J. van Pelt (1997) Cocultured, but not isolated, cortical
explants display normal dendritic development: a long-term
quantitative study. Dev. Brain Res. 98: 21-29.
Van Pelt, J. (1997) Effect of pruning on dendritic tree topology.
J. Theor. Biol. 186: 17-32.
Van Pelt, J., Dityatev, A.E. and H.B.M. Uylings (1997)
Natural variability in the number of dendritic segments:
Model-based inferences about branching during neurite outgrowth.
J. Comp. Neurol. 387: 325-340.
Baker, R.E., Wolters, P., Van Pelt, J. (1997) Chronic blockade of
glutamate-mediated bioelectric activity in long-term organotypic neocortical
explants differentially effects pyramidal/non-pyramidal dendritic
morphology. Dev. Brain Research 104: 31-39.
Van Pelt, Jaap, Dityatev, Alexander E., Schierwagen, Andreas. (1997)
On the
generation of random dendritic shapes. In: Computational
Neuroscience: Trends in Research (J.M. Bower, Ed) Plenum Press. New
York, pp. 203-207. (Book chapter)
Van Ooyen, A., Van Pelt, J. (1996) Complex periodic behaviour in
a neural network model with activity-dependent neurite outgrowth.
J. Theor. Biol. 179: 229-242.
Van Ooyen, A., Pakdaman, K., Houweling, A.R., Van Pelt, J. and J.-F.
Vibert (1996) Network connectivity changes through activity-dependent
neurite outgrowth. Neural Processing Letters 4: 1-8.
Van Pelt, J., Van Ooyen, A. and Corner, M.A. (1996) Growth cone
dynamics and activity-dependent processes in neuronal network
development. In: Progress in Brain
Research, Vol. 108, Neural Development and Plasticity
(R.R. Mize and R.S. Erzurumlu, Eds.) Elsevier,
Amsterdam, pp. 333-346. (Book chapter)
Van Pelt, J., Wolters, P., Van Veen, D., Bomer, J., Rutten, W.,
Overdijk, H., Ramakers, G.J.A. (1996) Long-term multielectrode
registration of neuronal firing activity from rat cerebral cortex
tissue in-vitro. Proceedings 18th Annual International Conference
of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, "Bridging
Disciplines for Biomedicine". 31 October-3 November,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (CDROM). (Book chapter)
Neurocomputing. Vol. 11 (Nrs. 2-4). (1996) Special Triple Issue on Biological
Neural Networks (K. Fukushima, S.K. Aityan, T.J. Anastasio
and J. van Pelt, Guest Editors). Elsevier, Amsterdam. (Book)
[Guest editorial]
Van Ooyen, A., Van Pelt, J., Corner, M. A. (1995) Implications of
activity-dependent neurite outgrowth for neuronal morphology and
network development. J. Theor. Biol. 172: 63-82.
Schierwagen A. and J. van Pelt (1995) Shaping neuronal dendrites: Interplay of
topological and metrical parameters. J. Biol. Systems 3(4): 1193-1200
Van Pelt, J. and A. Schierwagen. (1995) Impact of topological variability on
dendritic geometry. J. Biol. Systems 3(4): 1201-1210
Van Pelt, Jaap and Andreas Schierwagen. (1995). Dendritic electrotonic extent
and branching pattern topology. In: The Neurobiology of
(James M. Bower, Ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 153-158. (Book chapter)
Van Ooyen, A., Van Pelt, J. (1994) Activity-dependent outgrowth
of neurons and overshoot phenomena in developing neural networks.
J. Theor. Biol. 167: 27-43.
Van Veen, M.P. and J. van Pelt (1994) Neuritic growth rate described by modeling
microtubule dynamics. Bull. math. Biol. 56: 249-273.
Van Pelt, J., A. Schierwagen (1994) Electrotonic properties of passive
dendritic trees - effect of dendritic topology. In: J. van Pelt, M.A.
Corner, H.B.M. Uylings and F.H. Lopes da Silva, (Eds.), Progress in
Brain Research, Vol. 102, The Self-Organizing Brain: From Growth Cones
to Functional Networks. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 127-149.
Van Veen, M.P , J. van Pelt (1994) Dynamic mechanisms of neuronal outgrowth.
In: J. van Pelt, M.A. Corner, H.B.M. Uylings and F.H. Lopes da Silva,
(Eds.), Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 102, The Self-Organizing Brain:
From Growth Cones to Functional Networks. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 95-
Uylings, H.B.M., J. van Pelt, J.G. Parnavelas and A. Ruiz-Marcos (1994)
Geometrical and topological characteristics in the dendritic development
of cortical pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons. In: J. van Pelt, M.A.
Corner, H.B.M. Uylings and F.H. Lopes da Silva, (Eds.), Progress in
Brain Research, Vol. 102, The Self-Organizing Brain: From Growth Cones
to Functional Networks. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 109-123.
Van Ooyen, A. and J. van Pelt (1994) Activity-dependent neurite outgrowth and
neural network development. In: J. van Pelt, M.A. Corner, H.B.M. Uylings
and F.H. Lopes da Silva, (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 102,
The Self-Organizing Brain: From Growth Cones to Functional Networks.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 245-259.
Van Ooyen, A., Van Pelt, J. (1994) Complex patterns of
oscillations in a neural network model with activity-dependent
outgrowth. In: Artificial Neural Networks (Marino, M., and Morasso,
P.G., Eds.) pp. 146-149. (Book chapter)
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H.B.M. Uylings and F.H. Lopes da Silva (Eds.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 102 (1994) Elsevier, Amsterdam. (Book)
Van Veen, M.P. and J. van Pelt (1993) Terminal and intermediate segment lengths in
neuronal trees with finite length. Bull. Math. Biol. 55: 277-294.
Van Ooyen, A. and J. van Pelt. (1993) Implications of activity-dependent
neurite outgrowth for developing neural networks. In: Artificial Neural
Networks (Gielen, S., Kappen, B., Eds.) Springer, pp. 177-182.
(Book chapter)
Van Ooyen, A., J. van Pelt, M.A. Corner and F.H. Lopes da Silva. (1992)
transients of activation in neural networks. Neurocomputing 4: 75-87.
Van Pelt, J., H.B.M. Uylings, R.W.H. Verwer, R.J. Pentney and M.J.
Woldenberg. (1992) Tree asymmetry - a sensitive and practical measure for
binary topological trees. Bull. Math. Biol. 54: 759-784.
Van Ooyen, A., Van Pelt, J., Corner, M. A., Lopes da Silva, F. H.
The emergence of long-lasting transients of activity in simple neural
networks. Biol. Cybern. 67: 269-277.
Van Veen, M.P. and J. van Pelt (1992) A model for outgrowth of branching neurites.
J. Theor. Biol. 159: 1-23.
Van Pelt, Jaap (1992) A simple vector implementation of the Laplace-transformed
cable equations in passive dendritic trees. Biol. Cybern. 68: 15-21.
Van Ooyen, A. and J. van Pelt. (1992) Phase transitions, hysteresis and overshoot
phenomena in developing neural networks. In:
Artificial Neural Networks 2 (I. Alexander and J.G. Taylor, Eds)
Elsevier, pp. 907-910.
(Book chapter)
Verwer, R.W.H., J. van Pelt and H.B.M. Uylings. (1992) An introduction to
topological analysis of neurones. In: Quantitative Methods in
Neuroanatomy (M.G. Stewart, Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, pp. 295-323.
(Book chapter)
Verwer, Ronald W.H. and Jaap van Pelt (1990) Analysis of binary trees when occasional multifurcations can be considered as aggragates of
bifurcations. Bull. Math. Biol. 52: 629-641.
Van Pelt, J., M.J. Woldenberg and R.W.H. Verwer (1989) Two generalized topological
models of stream network growth. J. Geol. 97: 281-299.
Van Pelt, J., Uylings, H.B.M. and Verwer, R.W.H. (1989) Distributional properties
of measures of tree topology. Acta Stereol. 8: 465-470.
Van Pelt, J., R.W.H. Verwer and H.B.M. Uylings (1989) Centrifugal-order
distributions in binary topological trees. Bull. Math. Biol. 51: 511-536.
Uylings, Harry B.M., Jaap van Pelt and Ronald W.H. Verwer (1989).
analysis of individual neurons. In: Computer Techniques in
Neuroanatomy. (J.J. Capowski, Ed.), Plenum, New York, pp. 215-239.
(Book Chapter 10)
Uylings, Harry B.M., Jaap van Pelt, Ronald W.H. Verwer and Patricia
McConnell. (1989) Statistical analysis of neuronal populations.
In: Computer Techniques in Neuroanatomy (J.J. Capowski, Ed.),
Plenum, pp. 241-264.
(Book Chapter 11)
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Morphometry and
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